Weekly Chapel Service
In this busy world, the weekly Chapel service gives our students a time for reflection, support, and reaffirmation that they are truly loved and cherished. Students are full participants in the service, which reinforces leadership skills and bolsters their public speaking ability. Parents are always welcome and are encouraged to attend and sit with their children.
The service, held every Wednesday morning at 8:15 (unless otherwise noted), begins with a processional with music sung by the entire school. A student gives a reading, the Ensemble performs an anthem, the School Chaplain gives a homily and a short service, and then all of the children with birthdays are recognized.
School Prayer
Almighty God, our heavenly Father,
watch over, we pray Thee, the Advent Episcopal School.
Bless all who teach and all who learn,
and grant that we may ever look unto Thee,
who art the fountain of all wisdom.
Lead us in the search for truth and beauty;
grant us grace to choose the good and reject the evil;
and let Thy love show forth in our lives,
we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
School Alma Mater
Father, we thank thee for the school we love.
Grant it thy blessing from above.
Help us in studies, in our work and play.
Lead us in honor, teach us to pray.
Lord, bless our teachers, who with loving care
Guide and protect us as we study there;
Growing in knowledge with each passing year.
Lord, grant this blessing on Advent School so dear.