Support Advent
Support. Enrich. Create.
Every gift to Advent Episcopal School - large or small - helps support, enrich, and create a remarkable educational experience for our students.
Since our founding in 1950, support from alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, trustees, past parents, and friends of the school has enabled Advent to sustain and expand its tradition of excellence.
Your generosity makes Advent's award-winning educational experience possible by helping us keep class sizes small, providing students with the best technology available, creating opportunities for enrichment in and beyond the classroom, and contributing to financial assistance for families who need it most.
When you make a gift to Advent Episcopal School, you have the ability to choose how the funds will be used. You may designate your gift to a specific area such as scholarships, the endowment, or the arts, or you may direct your gift to The Advent Fund, which makes an immediate impact by helping Advent address our most pressing needs. Our goal is to create opportunities for support that are meaningful to you. If there is another area that you would like to consider supporting, please contact us--we look forward to working with you to make an impact for our school community.
Thank you for your support of Advent Episcopal School!
Christie Wenke Janey
Director of Advancement
The Advent Fund
The Advent Fund annual giving campaign is our yearly appeal to all members of our school community - parents, grandparents, alumni, past parents, faculty, trustees, and friends of the school - to support our beloved school. Gifts to The Advent Fund help the school provide the very best teaching and learning environment for all of our students. Tuition revenue alone does not cover the actual cost of an Advent education. Gifts to The Advent Fund bridge this gap, allowing the school to meet our most pressing needs in order to focus on an exceptional, unique learning experience for our students.
The Advent Fund helps support, enrich, and create exceptional programming, curriculum, faculty, facility and so much more!
Recent gifts to The Advent Fund have helped pay for curriculum enhancements and professional development for faculty, enhanced security and safety measures, as well as the larger awning at gate to keep students dry on rainy days! With your help, we can do even more.
Most importantly, remember that EVERY gift matters. Whether it's $25 or $25,000, your support is necessary to ensure that Advent continues to educate students in the most engaging, curiosity, and nurturing environment possible.
Levels of Giving
Cross & Shield Society*
Partner $10,000 and above
Investor $5,000-$9,999
Benefactor $1,000-$4,999
Purple & Gold Circle
Patron $750-$999
Supporter $250-$749
Contributor up to $249
*Cross & Shield Society donors will be celebrated at an annual reception.
The Advent Fund FAQS
Advent truly believes that our students can go anywhere they desire. To help reach this point, the school relies on an annual giving campaign. The gifts from parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, students, alumni and friends are a vital source of revenue. Annual gifts, which are received and spent in the same year, have an immediate impact on the things that make Advent special - scholarships, great teaching and faculty excellence, facility upgrades and technology, to name a few.
EVERY gift matters - large or small. Participation is critical. It takes our entire school community to help make the biggest impact. We would also encourage you to consider a monthly donation! Giving a smaller amount over the course of the year can really add up!
The primary purpose of The Advent Fund annual campagin is to help raise the additional funds needed to help cover the actual cost of an Advent education. Tuition revenue alone does not cover the expense associated with offering the very best education possible.
Simply put, if we charged the full amount of tuition needed to educate each child, there is likelihood that many students would not be able to attend Advent. This in turn would increase overall tuition for everyone as the economies of scale would be affected. The average cost of educating an Advent student is significantly more than revenue from tuition and fees. This gap must be made up through fundraising efforts. We ask everyone in our school community - parents, grandparents, alumni, past parents, faculty, trustees, and friends of the school - to help! Participation from every member of our broad community is critical.
Ways to Give
Please make checks payable to Advent Episcopal School. They can be mailed directly to the school at: 2019 6th Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203 or dropped off at the front office.
To make a secure gift online, please click the “Give Now” button access our online giving page.
Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that could double or even triple the impact of your gift. If you think your company provides matching gifts, please contact Christie Janey (cjaney@adventepiscopalschool.org) for assistance.
If you are interested in giving a gift of publicly traded stock to the Advent Fund, the Una & Craig Battles Innovation Fund, the Rick Phillips Community Service Fund, the Endowment Fund, or a Memorial Gift, please reach out to Christie Janey (cjaney@adventepiscopalschool.org) for a Stock Gift Form.
A gift through your estate plan can light the way, impacting Advent Episcopal School now and in the future. Planned gifts can come in many forms depending on what is best for you and your family. One of the most common planned gifts is to include Advent Episcopal School in your estate plans. Additional planned giving opportunities exist through insurance polices, IRAs, as well as trust.To discuss the benefits of planned giving and receive more information, please contact Christie Janey, Associate Director of Advancement, at 205-458-2542 or cjaney@adventepiscopalschool.org.
If Advent Episcopal School is already a part of your estate plans, please let us know!
Additional Ways to Support Advent
Each year Advent hosts an annual Book Fair. This is an opportunity for parents, grandparents, and friends of the school not only to help the school’s library by buying needed books, but also to add to your (or your child’s) personal book collection. Historically, the book fair brings in 200-300 new books per year while also granting several teachers wishes from the teacher wish list.
Earn money for Advent while shopping for groceries! To support Advent Episcopal School, sign up for Publix Partners through your Publix.com account (if you don't already have one) and select "Advent Episcopal School—Birmingham, AL" as your desired school. Then, enter your phone number at checkout each time you make an eligible purchase. As of October 1, 2018, Publix stores will no longer accept the scannable cards so be sure to register today!
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Advent every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Advent.
Advent collects Box Tops throughout the year to help raise additional funds. Be sure to check your cereal boxes, cut out the box top, and send it into school!