Parent Involvement
We view education as a partnership between parents and the school and consequently encourage parents’ involvement in their child’s life at school. The faculty and staff strive to make total involvement in education a bond between the school, the teacher, the student, and the parent.
Being a small-by-design school, you have a prime opportunity to forge lifelong connections with other parents. Our Advent Parents Association (APA) is dedicated to providing resources for parenting and helping you get to know the parents of your child’s friends and classmates. It hosts a parent education series as well as parent socials.
Parents can volunteer as room parents, where they can bridge the communication between parents and teachers and help plan, prepare, and decorate for class parties and birthdays.
We’re dedicated to helping involvement in your child’s academic life work for your family, no matter what that may look like. Being located in the heart of downtown, we offer centrality for many parents who are in the professional world. If you work downtown, come enjoy lunch with your son or daughter! Join us for our weekly chapel or a field trip to the Civil Rights Institute before heading back to the office.
With students from more than 40 different zip codes, Advent families reflect the rich diversity of our city and represent many backgrounds, identities, and traditions. They all find common ground in their desire for the best possible academic experience for their children. Many Advent families form authentic friendships that provide support, encouragement, and partnership in the challenges of raising curious and kind children who are prepared to meet the challenges of the future.
Advent Parent Association (APA)
What is the APA?
Put simply, the APA is focused on promoting the best interest of Advent Episcopal School and its students, faculty and staff.
We do this by pursuing five important objectives:
+Organizing engaging, meaningful, and fun events and activities.
+Supporting the faculty and staff through appreciation events and programming.
+Providing a strong sense of community and support for Advent parents.
+Encouraging open communication among parents, teachers, and staff.
+Volunteering time and talents to help raise money for the school.
What activities are occurring for parents this year that parents can get involved in?
Join an APA Meeting - We have regularly scheduled meetings as a leadership group happening the first Wednesday morning of the month at 9 a.m. over Zoom. You’re welcome to join any of these meetings.
Volunteer for an event - We always need volunteers for events. Please consider joining one. We will regularly ask for volunteers through school communications, room parents, and elsewhere.
Donate to the school - APA events and the school itself are made more vibrant if we have resources. You can donate one off or set up a recurring donation.
Encourage others to participate - Our school works better when everyone leans in. Encouraging others to do that is always appreciated!
What types of events/opportunities are hosted by the APA for parents?
Parent Education Events - Parent education events are intended to provide insights into how to be better parents. These events are interactive and draw upon the best insights available from experts in relevant fields. Most parent education events follow a similar structure with drinks and social time from 5:30-6 p.m. and the education topic and discussion following from 6 to 7 p.m. Childcare is also provided for these events.
Parent Social Events - The goal of social events is to help parents get to know each other and feel connected to the Advent community. We are a team and it only works if we all work together. The first step is getting to know one another. Social events are designed to be laid back and casual. There are typically four parent socials throughout the year.
School Auction - We are excited for our next auction which is scheduled for March 14, 2025! The auction is designed as a major fundraising event to support the school’s programmatic and curricular goals.